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Waaannnh my chair :(

OHhhhhhhhhh noooooooo Daaammnn !! my chair is gone !!
Hey its not about THE powerwala chair haan its about my chair on which i sit the whole day and code incessantly.Its been captivated by my team lead !!
Shaah ! It was my beloved one ! I was so fond of it ! I was so comfortable on it ! I used to love it soo much ! It was equivalent to the “singhasan “ for me.
But now its gone and I can do nothing but see it behind me .I am soo uncomfortable sitting on this stranger one !

(Now dear readers ..I know I might sound crazy,Frenzy,jug-head,crack pot and a nut in the furthur post..but I am not used to hold back my feelings so you'll have to bear with me n ya sorry for breaking the link :))

So where was I ? My chair got captivated and I am broken heart.
Whenever I look at it ..I feel the chair say...
 "Hey !! I dint like my new owner please take me back I want YOU to sit on ME”
I felt as if it is spreading its handrests and calling me …and saying
“Dear Kasturi please save me from this new one on me .
YOU were the one who gave me full respect,this new one doesn’t care about me.
I don’t matter for him.I am just a matter for him.
I want you... I remember how unnerved YOU used to be when someone else sat on me.
I remember how your heart skipped a beat when YOU found me misplaced.
I remember how blissful YOU felt when you sat on me.
I felt so pampered with YOU but this one doesn’t think about me a single pence have me!”

(Now stop thinking fool of me )

But strange,Isn’t it !!! I never knew my chair played a so much part in my life tell you seriously I am not able to concentrate on my work !(I know that’s bad..but Its good to be honest).After every half n hr I am looking back forlornly at my chair and hearing new things from it.

(Now,my frenzy mind goes again so beware :) its my turn to talk to my chair and I owe some words for my chair :) )

“Dear Coushy..(Thats what Ive named it .. Coushy for my Tooshy.. Thats what I keep sayin !!!)
I feel for you as Fedrer feels for his racket..
I feel for you as Picasso feels for his brush ..
I feel for you as Shakespere feels for his pen .
I feel for you as Lance feels for his bike …..
You brought a smile on my face and I'll get you soon :) ”

(Thats it ! Now you can relax !Its time to get serious..)

I never realized that my productivity shares a fraction with my chair…
I never realized ,that “feeling of belonging“ for materialistic things ..can be such intensive that it can have a psychological effect.
N I don’t see anything wrong in that .
Today I will work …but after every half n hr a small thought of the chair will disturb me …but tomorrow b4 the TL comes when I ll interchange the chair and get it back ! The whole day Ill feel contended and that simple feeling of having my chair back will make me work with double the i'll make up for today.

In a nutshell,I just wanted to say that derive happiness in smallest possible things around (Its chair for me) .These small small things constantly keep giving us happiness and contement but we fail to acknowledge.
Just find out such things in your life and acknowledge the happiness it gives you and I am sure you'll be happy everytime you  see it. After all life is all about being happy :)
So all be happy, as I shall be Tommorow .
But For Today….”Waaaannnhhh MY CHAIR!!!”.

P.S : Sorry for those "Third world conversations b/e me and my chair but I meant them :) "


  1. You are crazy dear !!!
    Nicely written ..and I am going to steal your chair next ...

  2. You have revealed your weak point ! Beware now !
    -Monoj KT

  3. Hey nice ..and creative ..gr8
    I liked your style ..truely emotional

  4. @ Prithvi
    Please noooo..just leave it alone OK ! You have yours

    @ Manoj
    There are many more ..this alone wont break me down

    @ Sandeep
    Thanks :)

  5. @Rasika,
    Yaaa ..I did get it back!How can I ever let it go :)
    Hey thanks for reading the post :)

  6. Nice blogs !! :)
    Its fun + funda's ... one gre8 combo for every IT developer and yes i agree ... the CHAIR plays a vital role in development !!! ;)


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