Finally after 5 long days I am back to normal Kasturi again. These 5 miserable days people around me were shouting ‘Come on Kasturi …You can Bounce Back’ and I felt like ‘Ya right ..I wanna bounce back ! ..but so hard that I attain the escape velocity and flee this hopeless,aimless earth..I don’t wanna live’ This was all because 26th March 2010 at 5.15 MICA rejected me by saying a big SORRY. That SORRY…took away my life which I had been living for 6-7 months ..that SORRY shattered my dreams which I had been not only seeing but also living for 6-7 months now…That SORRY took away all my Smile (So not me :)) !! I just couldn’t get over that SORRY. I was a biggest MICADICT ever known to me :) .To give you instances... I dreamt of playing baddy in MICA. I dreamt of me,cheering for MCL team in a match against IIMs. I dreamt myself to be a part of SANKALP,MICANVAS. I even dreamt of patting and scolding and playing with ROXY,the gr8 :) I pictured myself ...