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Showing posts with the label Youth congress

I have taken a step : Youth Congress

I am no different than those youth,who at 23, are bursting with the thought that world can be theirs and they can make a great difference.In my case, that world is confined to India.Long Long ago,before I was a youth I felt that I can be the prime minister of India ..i remember,back then in 3rd i even wrote a composition 'If I were a PM' and had got the spelling of 'discrimination' wrong :) Things Changed and ..'I started understanding !' The first thing,as a small girl I understood that to be a PM one had to join politics and I understood that Politics isnt a career for a fresher unlike doctor or engineer for which one had to study and obtain a degree !! That left me with a big question hovaring in my mind 'Then what was I supposed to do/study for to join politics ?? My small mind found the question ultra difficult and I gave up..So when people asked me...... 'Beta,what you want to become when you grow big ?' I changed my ...