When I ask you ..whom do you bestow your blind faith upon…Pat! Aren’t the answers like Parents?? Wife ?Books?God? Self ? ? Well then read furthur…. Waaaaiiiiii …tttt I screamed seeing the lift doors just about to close and in fraction of a second I risked my only life by putting my hand in between the attracting doors .The sensors did their work and the doors repelled . I heaved a sigh of relief seeing myself inside the lift ! During the 5 floor elevator journey..just a weird thought ran down my weird mind…”How blindly I had relied on the sensors…!!! How could I ? I had never thought about their failure at all !!! What if the sensors had given away !!! …And then a perilous picture flashed in front of my eyes ….and TADAAAA it was then I realized that man has his blindest faith on technology !! We never ever doubt it ..we NEVER doubt technology!! Annnd as th...