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Finally after 5 long days I am back to normal Kasturi again. These 5 miserable days people around me were shouting ‘Come on Kasturi …You can Bounce Back’ and I felt like ‘Ya right ..I wanna bounce back ! ..but so hard that I attain the escape velocity and flee this hopeless,aimless earth..I don’t wanna live’ This was all because 26th March 2010 at 5.15 MICA rejected me by saying a big SORRY.

That SORRY…took away my life which I had been living for 6-7 months ..that SORRY shattered my dreams which I had been not only seeing but also living for 6-7 months now…That SORRY took away all my Smile (So not me :)) !! I just couldn’t get over that SORRY.

I was a biggest MICADICT ever known to me :) .To give you instances...

I dreamt of playing baddy in MICA.

I dreamt of me,cheering for MCL team in a match against IIMs.

I dreamt myself to be a part of SANKALP,MICANVAS.

I even dreamt of patting and scolding and playing with ROXY,the gr8 :)

I pictured myself sleeping and dreaming in those MICA classrooms.

I had even taken a pledge to never eat a pizza in MICANTEEN!! You can imagine how attentively I had mugged up CHUCKs and UTSAV’s thread on PG.

I even dreamt of packing bags for MICA.

I read and reread the brochure so many times that now if you ask me to list down the faculty members I would even tell their qualifications and that too in Print order ;) (Dare if anyone tells me to do that )

But Its all over! I still cant believe that I have to order my brain to stop dreaming those MICA dreams ! GOSSH its so hard…Who on the earth said Dreaming was good???.who?? who?? who ?? I am gonna kill him and if he is already, then I am gonna dig up his grave and leave it as is ….GRRR.

Giving up dreaming is soo hard and then there are so many thing which just don’t allow you to

For eg..I can see those piles of India Today,Reader’s Digest and Outlooks (n what!!!Only 2 FILMFAREs beside)there inside my cupboard which I had avidly read during the prep.

As I open my laptop I see those innumerable folders prefixed with MICA....MICA_gk,MICA_puzzles,MICA_idioms,MICA _pschyo :) and MICA_whatnot . Its really so difficult to Shift delete them :)

As I open my browser my Favourites menu bar is all occupied by MICA material sites. Its so hard to remove them from there :)

Its still so hard to give up the habit of silently reading those MICA threads on PG over and over again :)

Its so hard to place that dear brochure in the stack of daily newspapers ready to go in scrap.

Its so hard to not think of those missed weddings and missed outings and all those missed episodes of so many sitcoms.Gosh.

Its really difficult to forget MICA..but after these 5 days,I have to…

Since MICA dint tell me what went wrong I have finally pushed it over on my Destiny (unfortunately).I honestly tried my best to shape my own destiny but may be I was destined to do so :)!! But I am not gonna give up so easy …No..I wont be preparing for MICAT next year :) but I am moving on with my life…but I know and believe that SOME DAY..I am gonna make it BIG and gonna be CALLED/INVITED by MICA and this is a promise from me (guys do not forget my name ;))

These premier institutes do make mistakes once in a while ..RK Narayanan was rejected by JJ School of arts ! I forgive MICA to have made that same mistake in my case :) !!! But its OK ..I still love it :) and so you all will see me there when MICA calls me!
(Its not that ..grapes aur sour for me and I have an attitude problem ...I am saying all this, just coz there are personal obligations and I cannot give MICAT next year:( :(   )


ALL CALL GETTERS...just realize the value of what you have in your hand …It’s the thing which thousands of like me are dying for Best of Luck the Best and convert the call ..Let MICA get the best !!

For all those who dint get a call and are preparing for MICAT next year “All the very best” …and for all those are not preparing for MICAT next year “BOUNCE BACK and MOVE ON”.

And for MICADDICTs like me “Never stop loving MICA” .



  1. That reminds me of "Please forgive me that I can't stop loving you" song.:)
    In some way, your post was great for me at this time! Liked it very very much! :)
    And as Sri Sri says, "Have faith, just keep moving."

  2. girl girl girl! it's JUST a college.. fun people have fun everywhere.. so stop getting sooo upset about it.. if u can't, let me know.. i will introduce you to a loser ex-MICAn that I met recently.. and that too from a very early batch.. 2003.. u can imagine how it would have changed now coz its become more mercenary than it was in 2003.. aunties will be aunties and fun ppl will be fun ppl.. MICA or no MICA.. and u didn't miss out on much.. i swear. trust me.. fun and intelligence comes from what u want to be - not from going to a fun b school.. chill maar! mazze kar! am sure u are made for better things.

  3. Hats off to the honesty the way you expressed your feelings and the confidence of "making ur life big".

    I will definitely remember your name Kasturi Shinde and when few years down the line all of us will know you I will say that I knew you long before.

    thanks and regards

  4. @ Nands
    Ya ..I dint have any other alternative :)

    @ Tamy
    Oww That sounded so mollifying and nice .. I feel so much better.Thanks a lot for being there.

    @ Ankit G
    Thanks a lot for such wonderful comment..I hope that the time comes soon!

  5. @Kasturi,I can give you a lot of Global Gyaan on your attitude,your unending love for MICA,your optimism etc.
    But skipping that,I shall say that talented people shine.But then again Talent is nothing without opportunity.
    Create your opportunity & you shall succeed my dear friend.
    I believe if you fail to succeed,try AGAIN & then try something ELSE.
    Finally.I'm a die-hard MICADDICT AND
    2010 MICAT-reject(if that does'nt help;An Infosys 2010 Drop-out by choice).
    Cheers to your passion.

  6. Hi Kasturi ,

    First Of all Hats off for the dedication towards Mica .. it is not actually a colg but love to u .. so Losing love is difficult .. but .. stilll i wud say .. keeep waling u wud end up in a more brighter path for urself ..
    Some things are not meant for us neither we are meant for some things .. because we might be meant for some other things and can do in a more better way ... its just we need to stop looking at the closed door and search for new avenues..

    anyways .. dont loose hope is the moral of the story .!!!!

  7. hey kasturi just read ur blog yaar...
    u have got really gr8 attitude dear n trust me that is wat required i cannot dare to sympathize with ya... u rock babes...
    m neha choudhary u pmed me on pg :)

  8. good to see ya ...finally some one has got equally high spirits as mine :)

    may GOD bless you in all your future endeavors!!!

    With Best Wishes,
    Maverick :)

  9. Hey Kasturi................Nice to read someone being honest bout her view....
    If i get through....i will make sure to make ur remark to the ppl at MICA Kasturi Shinde will be known at MICA for sure..Sooner or later..its gonna happen.

    All the best for future endeavor's

  10. Dont stop loving it coz therez always the next time :)

    Who knows you might even get into Ogilvyyy!


  11. Hey.. i am a MICA passout.. and wow you sound more like an alumni than an applicant.. if it helps to know.. i didnt make it the first time..
    was just as romantic (in not so much of an informed way) and heartbroken post rejection..but then life took over and then the next three years i was working.. got engrossed in that.. so much that i didnt think of MICA again.. but yeah it started haunting me in the fourth year.. and by then... unlike in the recoil period after MICAT.. i was more clear about the possible things that oculd have gone wrong.. and the next time i really sort of sailed through.. and all the things you have written about came true and more.. and didnt matter that it was four years later.. :) so chill .. if you feel so strongly for it.. then try again..take care


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