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Interesting Derivation ...

I read two axioms today...

1. A woman dresses up to impress men.
2. A woman’s wardrobe is characterized by pinks and floral prints.

Read them again ...
Firstly do you agree to the two ?
If you dont, then read furthur...
Secondly just think what u can derive after you combine these two ???
If you cant then read furthur ....

As you aaaalll know that I have a bad habit to think over any crap,I thought over these two axioms and came up with an interesting analysis....

Women dresses up to impress men.
As for me, currently this axiom is a holy shit as I never wear anything to impress anyone!!!
But, But,But  if I think generically this cliché  is absolutely TRUE .
I remember my aunt saying once while buying a saree “Owww! I like this this color but your uncle doesn’t :(  so I wont opt for  this one”
One of my roommate once said “I know, I wear this top like a thousand times !!Actually I hate it but my boyfriend loves it “ 
and everytime I shouted mutely …“Hellow ladies ..Have you just lost your LIKES and DISLIKES ??"
 But NOW as I think over it I realize that they are just trying to make the person happy whom they love.So god forbid who knows one fine day i MIGHT  think the same ??
Anyways as for now I completely agree with this line …WOMEN DO DRESS UP TO IMPRESS MEN.
I hope you agree with it too .Now lets move on to...

Axiom 2
A woman’s wardrobe characterized by pinks and floral prints.
NO OBJECTIONS for this one too .
Maximum girls do have pinks and floral tops !!
I hope you agree with this one too.

But NOW NOW NOW  if i combine 1 and 2 this is what I derive…
That means its actually GUYS who like PINKS AND FORAL PRINTS !!

So its Guys who are pink lover and flower admirers be it on women or whatever ....
But lookig at these axioms this is what I can say ...

If you deny this analysis than one of the axiom goes wrong  and if one of the axiom goes wrong then you are arguing the toss n saying that sun rises from west !!!

WHAT SAY GUYS(the pink/flower lovers :) )  ???? and girls support me.

P.S : What if I go furthur and say its guys who are soft n emotional and its gals who are rough !!!
P.P.S :Dare if anybody calls me crrazzzzzy dot need to tell the thing I already know ;)


  1. gud logic.....n thanks for not telling all of us the source of those axioms :-P

  2. I think that men are not pink/flower lover/admirers .. as the admire the beauty of the women wearing pinks & florals .. pink/florals are just means to achieve the admiration .. it can also be white &black.
    -Varun Jain

  3. Ya, somehow girls look more beautiful in pink!:)
    And as one of my friend says, in pink every girl looks beautiful!! :)
    And, could you please tell me if boys like pink on girls, what color do girls like on boys? :D

  4. One crrazzzzzy thing you can do is, wear a pink dress and see how many compliments you get from your colleagues/friends! :P

  5. pretty crazy though, your write, but full of humor.. liked the speed.

  6. Interesting theory. But science says otherwise.. Men do like pink when on women, but not on themselves (for obvious reasons) :P

  7. haha, nice article :)
    except dat, guys think gals look cute in pink, and theres nothing wrong in that, it doesnt make them pink lovers or whatever!! its like saying a girl will tell u that the most attractive part of a man's body are his abs. so u mean to say girls are 6-pack lovers now?? :)

  8. @ jain,
    U r right was just what I derived from these two statements :)

  9. @nands
    Thanks for stopping by
    @ the colours we like on boys ...
    Does it matter to them ??
    @ me wearing pink
    Oh ya I should ..but as I am writing this ..i realize that I dont have a single pink ! I'll have to shop for it :)

  10. hahaha... gud thought :)...

  11. LOLz.. interesting take Kasturi :D
    I was ROFL

  12. You mentioned half the picture. let me complete it. I'd rather say it axiom 3 - Women are usually confused and they don't get it right many times.


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