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Ya.. I know that hardwork goes in for preparation for CAT and all those mba entrances n I am ready to slash my butter...but preparing for the exams is not an easy task least not after leaving the job at hand.There are so many thoughts which interfere in the midst of all those mathemtical calculations and gramatical rules .Sometimes they are the anxiety of future.Sometimes its about the lonelyness in the room around.Sometimes its about the view of the goal.Sometimes its about the stupid fights and arguements with the family members and sometimes its like a blank filled with vacuum of melancholy.

Sometimes the thoughts made me MAD...It was really very essential to divert those thoughts I thought why not just jot them down....and get rid of them at once. But to jot them down in form of words made me think of them more ..and was time consming as i decided to use ms-paint and let and let my mind heres the way my mind flowed........


This was when I just started studing for CAT and the goal seemed a looooooooooong looooonnng way.


This was when I started studying seriously and was on the way towards my goal :) and facing whatever came on my it a LOD (Level of difficulty)-III sum or a bouncer RC (Reading comprehension).


This was when I got a good marks in the SIM CAT for the first time ..The marks reflected my hardwork :)


This waas when I had a BIG FIGHT @ home this was my mind post Fight....I felt like winding up everything and everyone.I felt like screaming and screeching ..Thankfully I just painted and did none of those :) wont believe ..this is an amazing method to cool down when you are angry
Firstly you loose nothing infact u gain one more painting in your picture gallery :) and when you look back you smile instead of frowning an getting those bad memories.


This was when one fine day I felt very very very very raised to infinity ..LONELY.The vastness of the world crept in me.I could see no one around me. i dint feel lost ..i felt as if god created only me. Yukky feeling was that ..but after I paintng was wasnt only me but me and my paintaing !! and I smiled :)

                                                                       THE WAIT

This is the present state of my mind. I am eagerly waiting for the results 22 Jan.
I am ready to plunge in the world of success ....:)

Gwaaaaaadddd Help me n guys wish me luck :)


  1. Amoung all the paintings, my favourite is "ANYBODY THERE ?" and also its description is so beautiful! :)

  2. Hey gr8 post.....cant believe u hav evolved so much as a writer......luvd it.....


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