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Sorry guys this post isn't my regular idiotic one.

When i say innovation ..pleople give a smirk and say 'GAS' but I truly believe and have experienced that controlled and disciplined innovation does have a SUBSTANCE !

Today morning read a post by Meenaks on innovation framework.
Got inspired and hence this post.

Over the 1.5 years in Welingkar Business Design  my biggest takeaway is "learning to build up upon ideas" so I thought why not build up Meenaks  on suggested framework.(Research -> Resolve-> Reuse)

My framework is as follows ( from whatever projects i have done in class of @Welbd)

Rephrase -> Research-> Rejections and suggestions->Resolve -> prototype-> Reuse

Rephrase:  Its been seen that a solution for one problem, creates other problems..we are problem creators. In order to mitigate this trend, it’s very very important to know what problem one is addressing. Hence rephrasing an issue/need gap into a proper definition explaining what the innovation is aimed at,is extremely essential.

Research :  Normally  humans (inc. me ;)) have a bad habit of jumping to design solutions once the idea is struck. But one must understand that this world/system is in existence much before you were, so most of the times THE idea is already thought of or THE solution is already being designed.It is important for us to discover if idea/solution already exists. If it is , then don’t get depressed you can always build up and come up with upgradation/improvisation of that idea.If  the idea isn’t implemented then u can smile and run shouting “Eureka Eureka”.
                Research on relevant technology is essential.Research of which domains have solved similar problem(Cross domain approach) is essential.

Rejections and suggestions : According to me, innovation happens the best in teams. It requires multiple views , counterviews, suggestions and rejections .So if you have an idea discuss with your friends or collegues or experts and have multiple ideas for the same issue/needgap. Third party views and newcomer views often gives a different dimension to the idea.

Reconstruct: Once you have multiple ideas reconstruct your original idea considering all the views and come up with a foolproof concept.

Resolve : .Once you have a concept ready, implemention is involved in this stage. It could be full-fledged implementation or pilot or prototype.

Reuse : According to Meenaks The reuse stage involves “marketing” the innovation to others in the company (i would say society here ) for further adoption.

P.S People who want to build up on this framework are welcome to :)


  1. I like this thought.

    I didn't understand the reuse part though. Do you mean the same entity will be reused after it has undergone the process of innovation?

    Love the DP ( for obvious reasons!)


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