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Duniya ka naara...zame raho

6.30 am ...(Actually its quite late ..but atleast she would like to think its 6.30 ;) its her life after all and her time ;) ) 'who cares about her uncombed hair and these dusty stairs she thought...she tried blowing the dust off the stairs but air was already pregnant with the moist so the dust din't budge !
She looked at the today's news paper  and without even giving a thought she spread it on the stairs and sat on top of the happenings of the world !!

'If i think too much about the world the smoking hot coffee in the mug will get cold 'she thought.
She cupped the hot mug with both the hands and allowed the transfer of the warmth..but the cool air hit her eye lid forcing her to open her eyes !

It disturbed her while she was listening to "Kyun hawa aj yun gaa rahi hai" (veer zara)
She looked out of the window...the slashing rain was hitting the new born leaves, the ocher dried leaves, the yellow taxi tops,the brown puddles...the red silver helmets..the dull grey road !

 'What d F'.She thought  'what is she doing here on stairs..shouldnt the rain hit on her dry and uncombed hair also ? and shouldnt she be in some mountains n valley n jungle n grasslanenjoying the rain ?' she cribbed ! 'Oh then what would happen to the coffee which was still hot ..only for her !' she thought and consoled her mind and ordered  it to be happy the way things were!' She was super happy that the next two songs in her playlist were 'Boondon se batein' and 'Zindagi bhar nahi bhoolegi woh barsaat ki raat' She thought of lowering the frequency of her sips so that the coffee  could last till the two songs got over.
but suddenly the next song she saw 'Duniya ka nara zame raho !' suddenly she jolted back !

'All the case studies n schedules n never ending 'to do' list flashed in front of her eyes'

She paused the current song ..gulped her coffee in one off her a#* from the stairs ..dusted the newspaper ...closed the window ..ran up the stair and moved on ...

Outside,the rain still kept on hitting the new born leaves, the ocher dried leaves, the yellow taxi tops,the brown puddles...the red silver helmets..the dull grey road and

Inside it kept on hitting on the corner of her mind !

P.S : the she is meeee ...i know you would have already guessed that ;)


  1. Bunking lectures n njoying such moments is absolutely fine.. :P just instead of stairs , imagine yourself in rain forest and u will njoy it at its fullest...

    Nice one Kash Baby :D

  2. ...yahan alag andaaz hai..jaise chidta koi saaz hai! Har kaam ko taala karte hain.. yeh sapne paala karte hain... :)
    Very well expressed! Could identify with it so closely!


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