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Bus stand to home

I was told to describe the monuments that came in the way from one famous place to other..but I chose to describe the monuments which came in the way from Nasik's Bust stand to my home..(they are famous places for me :) and the monuments are very close to my heart :) )

So here I go...

The horrifying BUS STAND
After the patience-testing 5 hour boring journey (Pune-Nasik) I lay my tiny feet on Nasik’s bus stand . Its not a horrid one, but it horrifies me so I scoot out from there as fast as I can, coz the only memory associated with it is how in 5th Std I had slipped over a banana peel and had safely landed flat on the ground in the sea of PAAN spit .
And then I remember….
How my father had spent crores and crores of rupees on the bisleri bottles to wash me instantly (We still are repaying that debt )
How I had dehydrated myself and increased the noise pollution by crying.
How my mom had struggled for days together to wash off the mosaics of Paan stains from my frock.(Yes I wore them then )
And how my brother tortured me by telling how each onlooker had reacted !

Then comes generous GOLF GROUND

Its generous coz all the possible things happen here except GOLF. I learnt car driving here !
GOLF Ground reminds of that fine day when I had just begun to feel that I can set out for a world tour in a car and then suddenly,
While changing the gear ….
east became west ,left became right, yes became no, white became black , green became red and cluth became the accelator
and there..over there… will see a crooked tree standing tall with a bump in its stomach,a testimony to what hapened next


It’s biggest rival of my school (Nirmala Convent).
Back then , Pakistan was a faaar better enemy than FRAVASHI Academy.
The only thing I remember when I see FRAVASHI is, the heated discussion on how “Nirmala Convent’s Toilets are cleaner than Fravashi’s class rooms”
Such loyalty we had for our Alma mater !!

Then comes the ABB circle
Its a huge ball like structure on which huge ‘A’,'B’,'B’ letters are carved .
It had such a huge impact on me…………..that in KG I had written ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘B’ ‘D’ ‘E’ ‘F’ ‘G’ and had lost a mark in final exam :(  (Size does matter you see :)
Then Comes our Mahalaxmi Grocers
Even if Walmart opens up a branch in Nasik, we will buy our stuff only from Mahalaxmi.
I dont know why I am fascinated to it ..
Inspite of seeing the 1cm thick dust on their LAYS packets.
Inspite of knowing that their godown is a harmless house to many rodents.
Inspite of knowing that their coconuts are smaller than those in the Food Bazaar.
Inspite of those irritating satchet chains hanging down from the ceiling.
(You wont believe they have soo many shampoo sachet chains , that if all were to be joined , then they would cover a distance equal to the circumference of the earth )

Then comes NIWEC (My sports Club)

This is the bestest place for me on this earth ….I have already spoken to the manager about my will to have my monument built over here :) He is working on the proposal
NIWEC has given me health,wealth and fame(I am national level athelete if you dont know (Trumpets blow in the background !! ) .
It has also helped me find the love of my life . (Roger Fedrer )

Then comes our Iron Man (Istri walah)

Its a small laundry shop..”Anand’ Laundry with a Mithun Chakraborty painted on the board ! ( I remember how annoyed our iron man was once ! when I said that your Mithun looks like Anil Kapoor !!

World will go flat ..nano technology will rule ..east will become west …but still you will hear Vivid- Bharti being played here and three men in their baniyans-with-holes passionately pressing clothes without complaining.

Then comes the legendry Mango tree

Its a huge Mango tree under which a Banana seller sells Bananas and guavas !!
I never rested under that tree ..not even when it rained ! Never cared whether the tree bore any fruit or not ..never waited and bought any bananas either…
Its just a great landmark for me shouting ……that your house is near.
I just cannot describe what it feels when I see it
I close my eyes as I see the tree and then when I open my eyes ….There… I see my Mom outside the gate…waiting for me eagerly ..

An instant smile breaks on her face as she see our car halt…

I jump off from the car leaving all the bags (and father)behind . I hop to her and without giving a damn to the world, I hug her tightly (poor mom!) and then world becomes blurr for both of us !!!
(Papa and my monster bro smiling in background )


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